Lead by Example to Drive Change

Digital disruption and rapid technical change have prompted many automotive companies like Porsche to explore new ways of working.

For a digital transformation to succeed, companies like Porsche have found that it’s critical to secure strong executive sponsorship and top-level alignment from the beginning.

Designing the Digital Future at Porsche

In this quick video, Porsche executives Mattias Ulbrich and Dr. Oliver Seifert talk about the importance of senior-level alignment and communication.

Succeeding in the digital world requires working and creating differently, not just in IT, but across all functions within an organization. And it takes the entire executive team to communicate that message while empathizing that the change will happen together.

Real Change Starts at the Top

70% of all digital transformation initiatives fail to reach their goal. Why? Because most companies don’t realize that digital transformation is actually as much about people and capabilities as it is about technology, which makes gaining executive sponsorship critical to its success. Part of that sponsorship is communicating a purpose that reflects collaboration, experimentation, and a culture of learning.

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