Unlocking Data’s Value and Quantifying Impact of Choices in SAFe – Monte Carlo Simulations

Safe Business Agility

In this podcast episode learn how assuming variability and preserving options help unlock the value of data, and how to quantify the impact of choices in SAFe. We’ll also answer questions about how deep to go with WSJF and use Monte Carlo simulations to predict epic completion rates.

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SAFe in the News

Unlocking the true value of data: Choosing the right project delivery approach is key for big data project success

By Windsor Gumede, Director Technology, Kaiser Permanente

Full article

SAFe in the Trenches

Hear Joe share insights on his talk at this year’s Global SAFe Summit. The title of the talk was Strengthening SAFe’s Use of CoD and WSJF and suggested ways to improve the economic choices by quantifying impacts in dollars.

To watch Joe and Don’s presentations, as well as other presentations from the Global SAFe Summit, visit global.safesummit.com/presentations (Videos will be available after Nov. 15)

Audio CoP

The Audio Community of Practice section of the show is where we answer YOUR most frequently asked and submitted questions. If you have a question for us to answer on air, please send it to podcast@scaledagile.com

The two questions we answer in this episode are:

  • When standing up a team, the entire backlog of features are WSJF’d in order to determine priority. But the SAFe materials don’t seem to have a conclusive approach for subsequent scoring. Do your organizations do a full WSJF of all features on the backlog as part of PI prep? Or is a WSJF score given to each feature as part of the ongoing grooming at the program level (if so, how is effort defined? By the EAs? ?). Is reviewing WSJF for every feature on every team board realistic?
  • Does anyone have insight into the logic/calculations used for monte carlo simulation in relation to historical velocity of the teams to predict the completion of the epics based on the forecasted points by team.

Hosted by: Melissa Reeve

Melissa Reeve is the Vice President of Marketing at Scaled Agile

Melissa Reeve is the Vice President of Marketing at Scaled Agile, Inc. In this role, Melissa guides the marketing team, helping people better understand Scaled Agile, the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and its mission.

Hosted by: Joe Vallone

Joe Vallone is an experienced Agile Coach and Trainer

Joe Vallone is an experienced Agile Coach and Trainer and has been involved in the Lean and Agile communities since 2002. Mr. Vallone has helped coach several large-scale Agile transitions at Zynga, Apple, Microsoft, VCE, Nokia, AT&T, and American Airlines. Prior to founding Agile Business Connect, Joe Vallone served as an Agile Coach at Ciber, CTO/CIO of We The People, and the VP of Engineering for Telogical Systems.