Your Burning Questions: PI Planning at an Agile Organization

At the end of the regular episodes in our biweekly SAFe® Business Agility podcast, we answer questions submitted by listeners. In this post, we feature two on the topic of PI Planning, one of which is especially relevant for anyone working at an Agile organization that has restricted travel to limit exposure to the coronavirus.

What’s the best way to conduct PI planning with remote employees?

PI Planning

For many companies with a remote workforce, especially those with a global presence, conducting PI planning can be a challenge. While face to face is always best, it’s not always possible or financially feasible. There are some things you can do if you’re faced with this dilemma.

First, whenever you have remote team members, whether it’s during PI planning or other work-related activities, it’s important to pick times that work for everyone. This means finding meeting times where overlap may exist between work hours for local team members and work hours for remote team members. It can be difficult, but it’s possible.

When work hours don’t overlap, consider times that are a compromise for everyone. That often means some members will end up working late while others will begin their day earlier than their usual start time. Try to keep the compromise to less than four hours either way. Anything more and team members may not be at their best.

That said, one thing that you shouldn’t compromise on is trying to keep whole teams together. For example, don’t have the scrum master in one location and the product owner in another. Keep them all participating together if possible.

Next, let’s discuss how to accommodate remote team members during the PI planning event. While Scaled Agile is a tool-agnostic company, we do have some Gold partners that offer some very helpful tools. One of them,, has a great tool that runs on multiple different platforms that people can use to share information around PI planning. 

Also, think about how to address other logistical challenges, like how to keep remote team members engaged when the room is noisy or during a breakout session. We’ve found that it’s helpful to assign a room buddy to a remote team member. The room buddy is responsible for making sure that the remote team member has everything they need to be an active participant in the session.

It’s important to remember that preparation will take longer with remote PI planning. There’s a lot to consider and you may have to make some tradeoffs. However you end up solving this challenge, make sure to always be respectful of your team members—it’s one of the core pillars of Lean.

Fast forward more than three years and a move to another company, I’m still part of a number of informal learning networks with many of my colleagues from that organization. Every time we learn something new that we feel would be beneficial to the others in the network, we share it. And we learn more every time we share in these moments.   

In this video,  the teams at Travelport share how they successfully coordinated PI Planning across three different time zones, and the benefits that they realized.

For even more details read this advanced topic – tips on distributed PI Planning.

Why is it important to assign business value during PI Planning and how is it helpful to the business?

One of SAFe’s core values is alignment. . Another is transparency, which is critical in an organization’s execution phase. PI Planning and assigning business value is an important component of that. Assigning business value isn’t necessarily about prioritizing things, changing your directions, or shifting responsibility. It’s simply the business owners telling you what they feel is most important, and aligning around that. The business owners may not understand all of the technical nuances that go into building a product but that’s OK. But they do understand why teams are building the product and why their customers want it. The ability to communicate that to the teams that are doing the development work—whether hardware, software, cyber-physical systems, or a business solution—is paramount.

Assigning business value is symbiotic. And Agile is about bridging the silos between the business and IT. When you have those silos, oftentimes the business floods IT with requests. Getting the business owners to assign that business value is that hard prioritization work, and something IT teams can use to ask, “Do we understand your priorities, are we doing things in the right order, and is this of the highest value to our customer?”

Predictability is another important element and there’s a tool in our PI Planning toolkit called the PI predictability measurement that uses the assignment of business value to measure the predictability. That helps you answer the critical question, “Did we do the things that we said we would?” This is a critical part of why companies use SAFe if they want to improve their predictability.

PI Planning

If you haven’t heard the SAFe Business Agility podcast before or want to listen to new and previous episodes, check it out.

If you’ve got a question for us to answer on air, please send it to

Happy listening!

About Melissa Reeve

Melissa Reeve is the Vice President of Marketing at Scaled Agile

Melissa Reeve is the Vice President of Marketing at Scaled Agile, Inc. In this role, she guides the marketing team, helping people better understand Scaled Agile, the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and its mission. Melissa received her bachelor of arts degree, magna cum laude, from Washington University in St. Louis. She currently resides in Boulder, Colorado with her husband, chickens and dogs.

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Next: 5 Reasons to Attend the European SAFe Summit

5 Reasons to Attend the European SAFe Summit – Agile Leadership

SAFe Summit

How do you get stakeholders to collaborate on a roadmap? What are the seven deadly sins of Agile portfolio management? How do you avoid a “train” wreck with your ARTs? What are some techniques for managing the modern workforce? How did Travelport create psychological safety among its C-level leaders?

The 2020 European SAFe Summit, 10-11 June in The Hague, will answer all these questions and more: each day we’re adding new sessions designed to make this Summit the best one yet. The European SAFe Summit is the largest conference for the top SAFe practitioners, experts, and thought leaders working in Agile today.

Last year’s attendees gave us a diversity of reasons why they appreciated the European SAFe Summit—from the informative keynotes and practical sessions to the helpful staff and delicious food. But here are my top five reasons for why you won’t want to miss it.

1. Gain access to SAFe insiders

From the SAFe founder Dean Leffingwell to the SAFe Fellows and SPCTs, the Summit gives you the chance to learn from and share feedback with the SAFe leaders whose experiences and thinking to shape the framework. Come to the SPCT coaching station to sit one-on-one with experts and discuss solutions to your unique challenges.

2. Hear from SAFe customers

Come and hear from some of the largest organizations in Europe about how they’re using SAFe to improve their planning, portfolio strategy, product quality, and time-to-market. Leaders and change agents from Europe’s top companies will be presenting their experiences, learnings, and advice for making SAFe work inside your own organization.

3. Learn best practices

We know, and you know, that organizations are complex, messy, and resistant to change. That’s why it’s so helpful to hear what works—and what doesn’t—across different types of environments. We invite SAFe customers, trainers, and framework experts to share their insights at the Summit because attendees tell us again and again how valuable SAFe best practices are in accelerating adoption and supporting a culture of change.

4. Make connections that support your business

As Agile adoption has expanded across Europe, the Agile community has become dedicated, tight, and strong. The Summit unites those of us practicing, leading, and experiencing Agile at scale so you can easily make connections and build your network with other coaches, thought leaders, and change agents. Meet other people working with SAFe, identify opportunities to cultivate working relationships, and evaluate service or platform companies that can accelerate your work.

5. Get in-depth training

Stay through 12 June for a dedicated day of hands-on workshops. Enhance your results—and your professional skills—by diving deep into specific topics including business agility, SAFe for really big systems, Agile product management, and Lean portfolio management.

These are just five of the reasons why the European SAFe Summit has become one of the best-attended Agile conferences in Europe. This conference sold out last year, so don’t miss your chance to attend, learn, network, and grow.

Register now.

About Andrew Sales

Andrew Sales is a SAFe Program Consultant Trainer

Andrew Sales is a SAFe Program Consultant Trainer (SPCT) and a member of the Scaled Agile Framework team. He has been supporting organizations with their Agile transformations for the last 10 years and is a regular speaker at Agile conferences and contributor to the Agile community. Andrew previously led the Agile Services Practice across EMEA for CA Technologies (formerly Rally).

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Next: Have Fun During PI Planning

Have Fun During PI Planning – Practicing SAFe

PI planning,  a vital component of SAFe® is integral to the Agile process, and the meeting can be an intense experience. Sitting in one big room for two full days, with potentially over 100 team members across the organization, can be taxing. Once the breakout sessions begin, the environment can become stressful for some.

The importance and complexity of the work to be done and the pressure of time can make these sessions challenging. Adding to the stress, there are often many conversations going on at the same time, causing the volume in the room to grow increasingly louder until people are yelling just to talk. All of this adds up to people feeling overstimulated and overwhelmed, causing them to grow weary and disengage. With the high cost and critical nature of these sessions, it’s imperative that organizations keep team members engaged and productive.

PI Planning

Because the stakes are so high, you want to use all the best practices available to you in order to maximize valuable time. Our experience has taught us that making your PI planning events fun can turn the stress of a two-day planning event into excitement about what’s ahead. Setting up a lively environment primes your audience for engagement and creativity.

First, we start all of our PI planning sessions with 10 minutes of gratitude. We take the time to encourage planning members to acknowledge and appreciate other team members. Using a mic runner, we have an open mic and find that once the praise gets started, our 10 minutes goes pretty fast, leaving everyone smiling, primed for positivity and ready to get down to business.

Next, we use a chosen theme and incorporate it into slides, written materials, props in the room, snacks, and even stickers, toys, games, and prizes. If you need ideas for your own theme, do some online research for themed parties. Recently, we used an Oktoberfest theme where team members dressed up in traditional costumes, like lederhosen and dirndls. We passed out beer steins (without beer of course) for drinking, and had snacks including pretzels and mustard (be sure to offer gluten-free snacks too). We put up Oktoberfest flags, props, and background scenes—we even had an Oktoberfest backdrop and created a photo booth that the teams enjoyed using.

I’ve learned through trial and error that themes need to be relevant to the times, relatable to the audience, and provide an environment that people want to experience and be a part of.

For example, it’s not enough to say that your theme is “baseball” without also providing the environment to give people an opportunity to interact with the theme. This includes setting expectations in advance, especially if you are asking people to take risks like wearing costumes or using props in front of their coworkers.

It helps with engag

It helps with engagement if the PI planning event organizers and release train engineers (RTE) serve as models, participating in the theme as a way of making it safe for others. Our RTE wore lederhosen and our CEO and founder wore Bavarian hats during the vision statement portion of PI planning.

PI Planning

Another idea is to include games or gamify aspects of PI Planning. Word Bingo is a fun way to keep people engaged over the two long days. Hand out cards with some common and not-so-common words that are likely to be said (or intentionally said) throughout the planning. You could have a single winner, but even better, everyone can get a prize once their card is complete. Prizes should be simple but fun, like themed socks or small desk toys. Treasure hunts and scavenger hunts are other fun ways to get people working together. Give each team member a list of things to find or do, like visit another team to find program risks and dependencies and determine whether or not they impact the plan being created. This gets teams talking to each other, improving relationships, and finding common goals.

Since we started bringing fun into our PI planning processes, I’ve heard more laughter, I’ve felt the positive energy in the room increase, and I’ve seen teams improve how they work together. People seem more energized and less drained by the end of the event. Contrary to what you might think, incorporating fun doesn’t take up more time and make the sessions last longer. In fact, the sessions are more inclusive, engaging, and productive, with better outcomes and fewer surprises down the road. I encourage you to give it a try.

About Deb Choate

Deb Choate is a scrum master at Scaled Agile

Deb Choate is a scrum master at Scaled Agile with loads of experience leading and supporting successful SAFe transformations, technical teams, and projects. She’s passionate about applying her background in psychology and neuroscience to create high-performing Agile teams, environments, and cultures.

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Next: A Framework, Not a Prescription

A Framework, Not a Prescription – Scaled Agile Framwork

A person putting up stickies on a board during an Agile planning

Now that SAFe® 5.0 is live, I wanted to take a minute­­ to reset the baseline on what exactly a framework is, what it isn’t, and what’s required to win with SAFe.

One of the most inspiring things I’ve experienced in working with SAFe is seeing the excitement and energy that it brings out in others. After learning in the classroom, many well-intentioned people run back to their organizations to ‘do the thing,’ but often forget to first understand the problem to be solved and the significance of the change ahead. Many proceed without first rooting themselves in what it is that they, and others, must do. Unfortunately, bypassing this step and failing to broadly communicate the vision can lead to many false starts.

In this post, I’ll explore patterns to consider for improved outcomes when using the Framework, offer some tips to apply tools found in SAFe and relate them to your context, and identify patterns to help avoid making Framework guardrails feel overly rigid.

The case for change

Change for the sake of change is rarely a successful undertaking. And change is hard—really hard. Consider any change you’ve tried to make in your life: a new fitness routine, a new diet.

Without a compelling case to make the change, many of us abandon these new habits before they’re integrated into our lifestyle (culture or lifestyle change is the result of changing; not a reason for change.)

Example: A 5 a.m. run, the second week of January, when it’s cold and you’re sore.

The result: Abandoned change.

Example: Out with coworkers at a pizza joint the second week of a new diet when your body is craving sugar/fat/salt.

The result: Abandoned change.

Example: The beginning of the second PI Planning when there’s no architectural runway, leaders can’t decide on priorities, managers are frustrated with understanding the new way of working, and teams are being pressured to just deliver something.

The result: Abandoned change.

I’m guessing you can probably relate to at least one of these scenarios. 

Now, reexamine the same scenarios with a clearly articulated “why” and consider how understanding the case for change may yield different outcomes.

Embracing a new fitness routine [BECAUSE] it’s difficult to keep up with the kids.

The result: Maybe that cold morning is a little more bearable.

 Adopting a new diet [BECAUSE] your current one has contributed to pre-diabetes.

The result: Amazing smells or not, that pizza is now a little easier to say no to.

 Adopting a new way of working [BECAUSE] your business is at risk of being disrupted by smaller, faster companies who are talking directly to your customers.

The result: Maybe we need to work a little harder to figure out our priorities.

 As John Kotter points out, many people underestimate the power of vision 10x. Before starting your journey toward business agility, take a moment to understand the need for change, share it broadly with the impacted parties, and keep the vision visible. 

Framework = toolbox

Allow me to be direct: The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) is not prescriptive. It’s not intended to be a method to perpetuate command and control and it’s not an organizational structure. SAFe is intended to be a second-tier operating system that filters together the right people to solve a problem and gives them the focus and support they need to deliver the highest business value items in the shortest sustainable lead time.

If an organization chooses to use the Framework in a manner other than intended, then the result may feel rigid. Though, that has nothing to do with the Framework. SAFe is a toolbox containing proven methods and practices that help businesses solve many of the complex issues they face today. With that in mind, it’s up to the practitioners and leaders to understand their problems, understand the tools available, and determine the Leanest subset of tools needed to address those problems.

Businesses can be complex, and each operating environment is unique. No matter your starting point, it’s the right place for you and your organization. SAFe won’t solve all problems overnight but it will help drive the right conversations at the right time. What SAFe does is help you surface many underlying issues within the system, and as W. Edwards Deming so famously points out, “… only management can change the system.”

Scaled Agile Framework

Mindset. Values. Principles.

With so much flexibility built into the Framework, people often ask me if one decision or another aligns with SAFe. It’s important to remind yourself that the goal is to delight the customer by delivering high-quality value as quickly as possible—and to do the right thing. The best way to make the best decision in these scenarios is to refer back to the Lean Mindset, SAFe Core Values, and Lean-Agile Principles and ask yourself, “Does this decision move me closer to or further away from these points of reference?” If the decision aligns with the values/mindset/principles, it’s probably the right decision. 

The essential elements

The basics are the basics for a reason: they’re the minimum elements required for success in an undertaking, which in our case is scaling an Agile mindset in a complex organization. The basic element of SAFe is the need to bring together more than a few teams to deliver value and delight the customer. If you can accomplish this with one two/three/four team(s), then you probably don’t need SAFe. However, as organizations, architecture, and organizational challenges become more complex, the need to scale becomes apparent. To scale Agility to the team of teams for solution delivery, we must consider the essential competencies and elements.

Three core competencies

Team and Technical Agility

Team and Technical Agility describes the critical skills and Lean-Agile principles and practices that high-performing Agile teams and teams of Agile teams use to create high-quality solutions for their customers. Agile Product Delivery is a customer-centric approach to defining, building, and releasing a continuous flow of valuable products and services to customers and users. Lean-Agile Leadership describes how Lean-Agile Leaders drive and sustain organizational change and operational excellence by empowering individuals and teams to reach their highest potential.

The elements of Essential SAFe

An Agile Release Train (ART) is a long-lived team of Agile teams, which, along with other stakeholders, incrementally develops, delivers, and (where applicable) operates, one or more solutions in a value stream. A Continuous Delivery Pipeline describes the workflows, activities, and automation needed to consistently release value to end users. Customer Centricity is a mindset and a way of doing business that focuses on creating positive experiences, such as the customer journey, which takes buyers through the full set of products and services that the enterprise offers. Design Thinking is a customer-centric development process that creates desirable products that are profitable and sustainable throughout their lifecycle. Program Increment (PI) is a timebox in which an ART delivers incremental value. PIs are typically 8 – 12 weeks long, and the most common pattern for a PI is four development Iterations followed by one Innovation and Planning (IP) iteration. Iterations are fixed-length timeboxes that provide the development cadence for Agile teams building Features and components. Each iteration delivers a valuable increment of new functionality. Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration provides teams with an opportunity to explore and innovate, dedicated time for planning, and learning through informal and formal channels. ScrumXP is a lightweight process for Agile Teams to continuously deliver value. ScrumXP uses the Scrum framework for project management and XP-derived quality practices. Team Kanban is a Lean method that helps teams facilitate the flow of value by visualizing workflow, establishing work in process (WIP) limits, measuring throughput, and continuously improving their process. Built-In Quality ensures that in every solution increment, teams (technical and non-technical) achieve high-quality goals and can readily adapt to change. DevOps is a mindset, culture, and set of technical practices. DevOps provides communication, integration, automation, and close cooperation among all the people needed to plan, develop, test, deploy, release, and maintain a system.

A state of perpetual change

With the significant additions that come with version 5.0 of the Framework, I ask that we all remain diligent along our learning journey. The Framework site offers an overview of the basics of many concepts to consider on the journey to business agility, but it isn’t a formula for assured success. SAFe courseware is intended to rapidly bring students to a new learning plateau and help each learner discover which areas of the Framework content they’re most interested in exploring deeper.

Pick a subject area, learn more, speak to other practitioners on the SAFe Community Platform, and think critically about how to best deploy SAFe tools to guide your organization and customers to a better place. As we discuss in the competency of developing a Continuous Learning Culture, the future belongs to those who learn the fastest.

 Scaled Agile will continue to investigate the latest trends in the post-digital economy, and provide recommendations, toolkits, and learning to help the great organizations of the world survive and thrive with new ways of working.


About Adam Mattis

Adam Mattis SPCT

Adam Mattis is a SAFe Program Consultant Trainer (SPCT) at Scaled Agile with many years of experience overseeing SAFe implementations across a wide range of industries. He’s also an experienced transformation architect, engaging speaker, energetic trainer, and a regular contributor to the broader Lean-Agile and educational communities. Learn more about Adam at

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Next: What in the World Is SAFe?

What in the World Is SAFe? – Getting Agility in Business

What in the world is SAFe

Before my first day working as an editor at Scaled Agile, I looked at the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) website to try to grasp what Agile and my new company were all about. What happened is what I like to call the Russian doll effect: As I started to read the first line of a Big Picture article, I encountered a hyperlinked term that I didn’t know and opened that article in a new browser tab. One hour later with 17 tabs open, I felt like I had a decent handle of two terms: customer and solution. 

Needless to say, it was difficult to explain what Scaled Agile was to interested family, friends, and acquaintances. After working in a SAFe environment for a few months, taking a few of our courses, and talking with some knowledgeable and experienced individuals, I was better able to answer the question, “So, what does your company do?”

“Well, it’s a business training company”

Particularly kind and interested people would ask for a little more.

“We train people in a system that helps them be more productive by changing how they work and by reorganizing their business structures. I guess it’s working because companies I recognize use it and are doing well”

Of all the people I have talked to, only one person, my uncle Tom, really wanted to get into the nitty-gritty of it all. Though they truly capture the essence of what SAFe truly is, The Lean-Agile Mindset, Core Values, SAFe Principles, and the core competencies were a bit too philosophical and abstract for light dinner conversation. Instead, I decided to connect SAFe to something he already knew: a traditional way of working. 

Prescriptive versus adaptive

Traditional companies typically make big, concrete, highly defined plans for the long term. Before the work starts, they already determine who will do the work, exactly what they’ll make, and what the product will do. They define when the project will be finished and how much money it’ll take to complete it. In theory, leaders plan this way because it gives them a lot of certainty in the future, a feeling like they have a crystal ball and know what will happen. 

SAFe companies recognize that it isn’t possible to have absolute certainty in the future. The world will likely be very different a year or even six months from now. Maybe new technology will be developed that could save the company time and money. Maybe the products that customers want today won’t be the ones they want in the future. This is why in SAFe, leaders have a vision of where they see the company in the long term, but workers only commit to working about every three months. The fact that teams deliver value so predictably gives leaders the certainty they desire.

In traditional companies, managers, with direction from their senior leaders, tell workers what to do, how to do it, and when to finish it. Members within a single team typically have similar backgrounds, job titles, and skills. People tend to stay in their lanes and do the same type of specialized work every day relatively independently. Individual performance is reviewed annually, and workers are awarded bonuses based on those reviews.

In SAFe companies, leaders outline the goals and objectives for the business but teams identify the work they should do to help the business achieve those goals. And individual workers decide how to do that work because they’re more knowledgeable about and closer to the hands-on work. Teams are often composed of people with different skills who can create and deliver a full product or piece of value by working together. In doing so, experts can gain functional skills in other areas to best help the team in any area in some capacity when needed. Team performance is reviewed by the business about every three months based on how well they completed what they committed to. There are no individual performance bonuses because each individual’s goal is to best help the business deliver value, not to simply get better at their particular job in a vacuum. 

Ultimately, SAFe applies prioritization, respect, value, predictability, quick movement, transparency, and communication to make companies, their products, and their workers’ lives better—and their customers happier. 

Start where you are

Though not intended to confuse (quite the opposite!), the Scaled Agile Framework is a bit of a puzzle for newbies due to some of the unfamiliar jargon and acronyms. However, SAFe is a solvable puzzle, and it is worth solving. After being steeped in it for almost a year, I finally view the SAFe Big Picture as the tool it was designed to be—a great visual representation of this way of working. Plus, I’ve learned enough to function in this environment and to better align my work and my team’s work with SAFe.

Are there some things that are still a bit mystifying? Of course. I couldn’t tell you clearly what an architect does on a day-to-day basis or what the difference is between capabilities and enablers. We all need to start from where we stand today and keep moving forward. Take a course. Be curious. Ask questions (remember, there are no stupid questions). Seek out experts. In the meantime, I’ll do my best to help you by working with my team to make SAFe easier to learn and, therefore, easier to apply.

About Emma Ropski

Emma Ropski -certified SAFe 5 Program Consultant and scrum master

Emma is a certified SAFe 5 Program Consultant and scrum master at Scaled Agile. As a lifelong learner and teacher, she loves to illustrate, clarify, and simplify helpful concepts to keep all teammates and students of SAFe engaged.

View all posts by Emma Ropski


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Next: Welcome to the Scaled Agile Blog

Welcome to the Scaled Agile Blog – Enhance SAFe® Knowledge

Scaled Agile Team

Hi, we’re glad you found us. Now that you have, we thought we’d introduce you to what our new Scaled Agile blog is all about and what topics you can look forward to.

If you think you’re seeing double, you’re not. There’s another blog on that’s full of great posts designed to enhance the guidance provided in the SAFe® knowledge base. Many are written by members of the Framework team‚ including SAFe’s creator Dean Leffingwell, and cover the more technical elements of the Framework.

But the world of SAFe has grown too big for just one news source, so we created the Scaled Agile blog to keep you up to date on other topics, including:

  • Success stories from businesses experiencing wins of all sizes
  • SAFe tips and tricks
  • Aha moments from customers, partners, instructors, and students
  • The latest videos from our awesome multimedia team
  • Anecdotes from Scaled Agile employees inside our headquarters and out in the wild
  • How teams are using SAFe outside of software/product development
  • The latest announcements and early bird deals for SAFe events

You’ll get to read blog posts from our partners, folks in the field, scrum masters and product owners, customers, and our instructors, just to name a few. It’s through these voices that we hope to connect with you, inspire you, learn from you, and simply provide some great—and relevant—content on the topics you care about.

Interest piqued? Good! Consider subscribing and be the first to read the latest and greatest posts from Scaled Agile.

Speaking of new posts, check out “What in the World is SAFe?” by Emma Ropski, an editor on our Learning and Certification team.

Happy reading!

About JB Brockman

JB Brockman

JB has been writing great B2B copy for 15+ years and is thrilled to again be working in an Agile marketing environment. In her fun time, JB skis, rides bikes, travels, and eats great food with her friends and family.

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Next: Aligning Global Teams Through Agile Program Management: A Case Study

MetLife — Embracing Agility in Financial Services

MetLife is one of 12 Fortune 500 companies to thrive for over 150 years. Met has a scale and a proud history … and the many challenges of incumbency including legacy systems and challenges to speed. Agile is quickly being embraced as the way to achieve speed in innovation for MetLife after adopting SAFe.

In this 45-minute video, Cheryl Crupi shares the story of how a small team sold MetLife’s new CEO and his new executive group on Agility. This short, immersive session enabled this executive group to experience Agile for themselves and resulted in a third of the group to request individual follow-up on how they can embrace Agility, including HR, Legal, Marketing and regional business presidents.

Presented at 2019 Global SAFe Summit by:
Cheryl Crupi
Assistant Vice President, Global LACE

Lockheed Martin – Adoption of SAFe for Agile Transformation

Presented at the 2019 Global SAFe Summit, San Diego Oct. 2, 2019, The F-16 Fighting Falcon is the world’s most successful, combat-proven multi-role fighter with approximately 3,000 operational F-16s in service today in 25 countries. In 2014, new production orders were drying out, and the F-16 production line was in danger of shutting down. Our solution to that problem was the adoption of SAFe to streamline the F-16 Product Development and Engineering in 2015. We overcame a lot of challenges along the way, and made rapid progress initially, but have plateaued. That should come as no surprise though. Our limited implementation showed us limited results. But we are turning this ship around! This year we have really taken stock of our Agile Transformation and implemented several ground-breaking initiatives using SAFe that are changing our landscape. Lockheed has now started a new F-16 production facility in Greenville, South Carolina that is producing F-16s expected to operate to 2070 and beyond!

PepsiCo – Delivering User-centric Design within SAFe

Presented at 2019 Global SAFe Summit, San Diego Oct. 2, 2019

How do the User Design (UX) principles of Simple, Human and Connected guide an ART to interpret and incorporate user centric design (UCD)? What is the ideal operating model for UX design that includes discovery, design and delivery tracks? This talk will provide an overview of the hypotheses applied to deliver user-centric design within the Scaled Agile Framework® at PepsiCo.

Anthem – Enterprise Business Agility

Anthem used an integrated SAFe approach across Agile and DevOps (including Quality Assurance capability) to drive tangible benefits in the form of improvements in quality, time to market and predictability, and increased collaboration between IT and business.

They chose to apply the Scaled Agile Framework incrementally, rather than a big bang rollout. Approaching the problem from both top-down and bottom-up, the SAFe transformation for the enterprise concentrated on one vertical slice at a time working with both Business and IT leaders in an area to enable Lean-Agile practices and provide hands-on coaching and education to drive the adoption of the Agile mindset.

They worked closely with their partners to go beyond just the mechanics of training and coaching with a focus on sustaining the change and moving towards true enterprise business agility.